Binocular Vision Evaluation

A Binocular Vision Evaluation is an assessment by a neuro-optometrist or developmental optometrist to assess, evaluate, diagnose, manage, and treat visual pathway and/or vision processing disorders causing many varying symptoms (see a brief list below). A neuro-optometrist or developmental optometrist assesses interaction or eye teaming of your two eyes (binocular system) by evaluating the overall strength, endurance, flexibility at distance & near, peripheral vision awareness, and/or the vestibular-ocular reflex of the binocular system.

Patients often experience signs/symptoms as follows:

  • Double Vision

  • Blurry vision at near or focusing problems

  • Blurry vision at distance

  • Skipping lines when reading

  • Tracking problems

  • Headaches

  • Closing an eye to see clearer

  • Words moving on a page

  • Poor Depth Perception

  • Squinting

  • Head Tilts (right, left, up, down)

  • Eye Turns

  • Dizziness

  • Motion sickness

  • Balance problems

  • Poor reading ability

  • Difficulties with body-hand-eye coordination

Patients are diagnosed with many of the following:

  • Focusing Problems: Accommodative Spasms, Accommodative Infacility, Accommodative Insufficiency, Ill-Sustained Accommodation

  • Eye Muscle Problems: Convergence Insufficiency, Convergence Excess, Divergence Insufficiency, Divergence Excess, Esophoria, Exophoria, Intermittent Esotropia, Intermittent Exotropia, Vertical Heterophoria

  • Eye Turns: Exotropia, Esotropia, Intermittent Exotropia, Intermittent esotropia, Vertical Strabismus, Strabismus, Strabismic Amblyopia

  • Lazy Eye: Amblyopia, Refractive Amblyopia, Strabismic Amblyopia

  • Other Eye Concerns: Aniseikonia, Anisometropia

  • Eye Teaming: Deficit of Saccadic Dysfunction, Deficit of smooth pursuits

  • Palsies: Third Nerve Palsies, Fourth Nerve Palsies, Sixth Nerve Palsies, Conjugate Gaze palsies

  • Nystagmus (involuntary eye movements back & forth/up & down)

  • Photophobia (light sensitivity)

These binocular vision disorders/dysfunctions manifest many vision & eye related problems that may impact a patient’s lifestyle, work and/or school productivity, sports performance, and many other everyday activities that many of us without these binocular vision dysfunctions/deficits do not experience.

Commonly Asked Questions

Comprehensive Eye Exam (Routine Eye)

What is the difference between a routine eye exam and binocular vision evaluation?

  • Ancillary Testing

    • Visual Acuities

    • Extraocular Muscles

    • eripheral Vision

  • Keratometry/Auto-Refractor

  • Refraction (Check Glasses Prescription)

  • Tonometry (Eye Pressure Test)

  • Eye Health Check

  • Dilation

Approximate Time with Provider

10-20 minutes

Plan of Action

  • Glasses Prescription

  • Referral to outside providers as needed

  • Yearly Follow-up

Medical Insurance Coverage

Most medical insurance policies cover routine eye exams

Approximate Cost


Network of Insurances

Vision Discount Plans

  • Swoop Eye Care is NOT in-network with any vision discount plan

Range of Cost Explanation

Depending on the patient concerns and eye concerns discovered, there may be additional tests required.

Vision Discount Plans

  • Vision Discount plans (EyeMed, Superior Vision, Davis Vision, VSP) do not cover medical eye exams with medical eye concerns (lazy, eye turn, or many other conditions)

  • Swoop Eye Care is NOT in-network with any vision discount plan

​​​​​​​Binocular Vision Evaluation

What is the difference between a routine eye exam and binocular vision evaluation?

  • Ancillary Testing

    • Visual Acuities

    • Extraocular Muscles

    • Peripheral Vision

  • Keratometry/Auto-Refractor

  • Refraction (Check Glasses Prescription)

  • Tonometry (Eye Pressure Test)

  • Eye Health Check

  • Dilation –> Must BE DILATED within the prior 6 months.

  • Binocular Vision Check

    • Focusing Ability

    • Eye Muscle Testing

    • In-Depth Cover Testing

    • Eye Teaming

    • Eye Tracking

  • Vision Skills

Approximate Time with Provider

30 minutes-1 hour

Plan of Action

  • Glasses Prescription (may include prism, tints, Shaw lenses (lenses designed to treat/manage lazy eyes), or other individualized specifications

  • Patching protocol

  • Referral to NeuVision Therapy & Rehabilitation for Individualized for Vision Therapy

Medical Insurance Coverage

Doctor directed/medical eye problem directed eye assessment, which may have copays, co-insurance, and/or deductible due for services rendered

Approximate Cost


Range of Cost Explanation

Depending on the patient concerns and eye concerns discovered, there may be additional tests required.

Vision Discount Plans

​​​​​​​NON-COVERED Service